Best Overheard Airport Dad Quote Today

And a bonus Life Hack!

"Emma come here. Mommy doesn't like anyone right now."

I burst out laughing when my daughter sent this to me while she was waiting for her plane to board. Was there ever a truer statement spoken? 

When we traveled as a family when my daughter was a child and teenager, she and my husband labeled my airport behavior as "airport mode." It consisted of tight rules, no flexibility, high alert, and I would have to admit manic, control freak personified. Why is that? Maybe going back a couple of decades, it was all the planning, parking, logistics, plane tickets, car rentals, packing... even food if necessary, to name a few of the things on the checklist. In retrospect, and even then, airport mode was nothing short of hilarious, if I took a step back and looked at myself.

I think my daughter has the right idea. I noticed that when they travel as a family, she often follows the next day! That is why she had the luxury of sitting relaxed and silently, able to observe others and not be "ON DUTY."

I think that’s genius going the day after once everyone is “settled.” And traveling alone does have its advantages… silence, time to think, time to miss the ones you love. Peace. Anticipation. Only having to get yourself ready while being available to help the others pack and get ready the day prior!

Definitely a great life hack we all might want to try sometime. 


Hearing in a Deaf World


Hearing in a Deaf World