Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part Two.
“As we got older, the fact that our parents were deaf became more and more advantageous to my brother and me… ” By Donna Wetjen
Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part One.
“People tend to be surprised that deaf culture is a ‘thing,’ but it is…I invite you into the world I grew up in, as a hearing child.” By Donna Wetjen
Berlin - Lost in Cultural Translation
How to Inadvertently Alienate People.
About Berlin: An “innocent” conversation about Berlin gone amiss. Why? Could be the American propensity to brag vs. the German way—to humblebrag. Helene Munson tells us more.
Just An Ordinary Day
How Lucky are We.
Sharing a day with time for diversions. How fortunate we are to live here. Counting blessings. By Sandra Novick
Savor the Missteps
Wedding Season...
June is just around the corner and wedding season really seems to be a “thing” again! The things we remember. By Angela Rieck.
Feeling Old? No Need To…
3 Proven Tips
To aging “exuberantly.” More Life Hacks. By Sandra Novick
Memories Forever Etched
A Different Kind of Easter this Year.
The kind when you get a tattoo. Really. The scent of honeysuckle and a love story of sorts by Donna Wetjen.
The Landlord’s Game
Women’s History Month
The true story of “where Monopoly came from!” To celebrate Women’s History Month, this year I am going to profile Lizzie Magie. “Who? I hadn’t heard of her either.” By Angela Rieck
A Dog Named Lucky
The Golden Years
Sunny skies, a stress-filled world, “golden year decisions,” my friend’s bike crack-up, and a morning walk through Sag Harbor. It all comes together. A bit of a ramble by Sandra Novick.
Turning Again Toward Home
Turning Again Toward Home
An essay about getting “unstuck,” by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
“Letting go gives us freedom..." Thich Nhat Hanh