Sag Harbor & Environs. Notes from the Field 2.

We’re well into autumn now. The pumpkins and mums are making way for wintry foliage, and holiday decorations. Yes, it’s true. The leaves have been blown into giant piles and carted away. Note, I only saw one person raking so far this season. It was an elderly woman, and with all due respect, it wasn’t going as efficiently compared to, all other leaves that were being blown into the huge piles with strong and loud blowers. Still, she was such a welcome sight (and no sound except for the rake sweeping across the grass).

I have digressed. I do have other new notes to report.

  1. Following up on the prior driving observations, it has come to Daisy’s and my attention that people who drive BMW SUVs, drive faster than others. Dogs and people, step out at your own risk.

  2. Drivers of cars that have the emission reducing motor shut-off upon stopping, turn on upon gas pedal depression feature, don’t stop at stop signs unless they are going to crash. Rather, they just take their foot off the brake and kind of drift slowly through so they don’t have to endure the “off-on” wait time. So be careful out there if you are on foot.

  3. And the most important thing of all. Santa Claus was seen driving on Union Street in Sag Harbor. He DID stop at the stop sign at Union & Madison, heading west. He was driving a red Mercedes station wagon. It wasn’t filled with presents, but Daisy and I were quite sure it was him as his white beard was the longest we’ve seen. The car was a very tasteful red. We will keep you apprised of future sightings, but we were both reminded that we better get our “good” thing going.

More to follow.

Notes from the Field 1.

Sandra Novick

To learn more about Hummingbird Founder & Contributor Sandra Novick, click here.


Mum’s the Word.